Coming to Gor as a Free Women is easy. Remaining one for long, though, is not.

Gor is a man's world, plain and simple. Yet, Free Women can not only survive on Gor, but participate and significantly contribute to Homestones and taverns which exist on Gor. Presented below is a collection of writings which might help keep Free Women from experiencing that most common of sensations of Gor: the feel of a band of cold steel being locked upon one's throat.

Just a few notes for any who wish to be a Free Woman:

Make your choice wisely after watching, observing and learning….never make quick snap judgments... but do remember a Free Woman can become a slave, either by choice or at the hand of a Gorean Male and once a slave there is no turning back.

Become the best that you can as a Free Woman, enjoy the position of Free Woman, learn the limits of playfulness and enjoy those limits…dress appropriately in gown, and robes; a head covering with attached veils; the number of robes and veils can vary.

Learn to accept your position as Free Woman, for the slaves come first in the Gorean males eyes and there are days you will feel quite alone, but the rewards are many…a Free Woman can be looked up to by others and respected in her own right.

The slaves can be your friend, they will serve you loyally, never go a time without praising them for their care and serves, and learn to pay with coins or something special that you alone will use to bond with them…..remember, at a moment's notice you could become a slave.

Always ask questions, form bonds with other Free Women; keep observing; learning and above all else, Respect the Gorean male. He rules Gor!

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From a Free Woman by Moonglow

Sitting back in my chair and remembering my first day in Gorean Shores and the days since, reflecting on the many lessons I have learned, the life I have chosen, friends and enemies I have met along the way, and the choice to just be me "Moonglow".

My first day in Gorean Shores was intimidating to say the least. I quietly entered the Tavern of Gorean Shores and slipped into the shadows against the cool stone wall, watched and observed without speaking to anyone. I noticed the Tal's being spoken as I entered but still sat silently.

A few weeks later I realized I was no longer a watcher but had begun to learn what I was observing. I had visited the Gorean Shores HomePage and after reading it went to other sites and began seeking more information; I entered Gorean Shores daily, silently observing the patrons of the Tavern. After nearly two months of silence, I entered Gorean Shores one day and actually said "Tal A/all"; from there I moved forward daily to becoming a Gorean Free Woman. My choice was made and I decided then and there to be the best Free Woman possible and to enjoy my choice of lifestyle and chosen path. I was met with smiles and Tal's and greetings, felt as if I had found my Home. I had watched and observed long enough to know who were the true Goreans and who were not, who to study and learn from and who to just simply chat with. I watched the Senior Captain Xern, First Sword Rollo the Ax, Slave Master Kli Kodesh, and Captain of the Guard Belial and knew they were strict and well-versed in the ways of Gor. So without them realizing it, I began to use them as Mentors of sorts, asking questions and learning more. I have learned what they constantly preach...Gor is Harsh, Gor is a Man's world, and Gor is not fair...but still I stay and have grown from the teachings of my Mentors.

For those first two long months I studied the Free Women, Panther Girls, and slaves...soon I realized all women have a slave within them but that sometimes, as in my circumstance, the Free Woman is the strongest and survives over the other. I respected the choices that each Gorean makes for themselves, as they have to live that choice, otherwise they do not belong on Gor for Gor will either capture your heart, mind and soul or kill yours.

As stated, I chose to be a Free Woman, so I adorned myself in a gown of soft spun gold and mauve silk and covered it with a robe of linen and topped it with a golden brocade robe for cooler weather. Long sleeves, high neck, and the length flowing to just above the ankles, I attached 3 veils to a scarf-like covering and tucked my unruly copper tresses up beneath it, hid my face behind the veils except for eyes that watch and observe. I have chosen to wear sandals and no gloves as after many readings it seemed Free Women can be a little different and choose some variations in their clothing attire. I chose to be comfortable in my Home and lifestyle.

I knelt in the furs near the cool stone wall Free Woman style, which meant legs together and palms down against the robe. I smiled beneath my veils and sometimes laughed and chuckled, but no one could see more than the flash of blue eyes that sparkle and twinkle in merriment or tears shed in sadness. I have learned that cold red kalana is my choice of drink on Gor, but have seemed to slightly attain a taste for paga at times. I sat for days and watched the slaves interact with the Warriors and Masters, found the slaves to be beautiful and sensuous, but knew I was a Free Woman. I became more comfortable in my Home and learned who I could laugh with, talk with, and call Friend. I slowly came out of the shadows and began to speak aloud, laugh, tease, taunt, tempt, and be mischievous in a way that only a Free Woman could be. I learned quickly where the thin line lay between a Free Woman and slave and knew to stop at that line, for I enjoy the naked neck that hides beneath the cloth of my robe.

A Free Woman must realize that she is Free only by the choice of the Male population of Gor and should respect that freedom and behave in a manner befitting her status. Free Women never show their face beneath the veils or shed their robe or gown in public. She can give subtle hints as to her figure, ideas, emotions, and thoughts without giving complete and full details, this she must learn how to do as well as the teasing/taunting/tempting ways, for they must be done in a way that still allows her to stay free. It takes time and is never easy, but well worth the effort. A Free Woman is special in her own way, just like a slave is special in her own way. Free Women receive serves from slaves and should always watch, admire and reward a slave for the care they take in the Free Woman's well-being.

We each have our purpose on Gor and a female has to make the choice of being a Free Woman or slave and act the part well, knowing full well that she is slave in the eyes of the Gorean Male. The only advice I can give freely from my heart, is to watch, observe, read, and learn from all, for there is much to learn on Gor. Be what you chose to be and be that person to the best of your ability. Free Women are on Gor and shall always be there. We can survive, grow, and become helpful in many ways to the Gorean lifestyle. We are only what our hearts, mind, body, and soul allow us to be. So have fun, chose wisely and learn from it. HONOR is the word that means so much on Gor, remember that and you shall survive.



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I am Free Woman by Phen

I am Free woman, here on Gor
I am too haughty to ignore
And I know too much to go back in a ko-lar
'Cause I've felt it all before
And I've been down there on the floor
No one's ever gonna chain me down again.

Oh yes I am wise
Though it's wisdom taught from the chain
Yes, I've paid the price
But look how much I've gained
I don't have to do anything
I have slaves.(slaves)
I have a FC.(FC)
I am Free woman of Gor

You can bend but never break me
'Cause it only serves to make me
More determined to stay Free as My goal
And now I've come back even bolder
Not a kajira any longer
As a Warrior has deepened the conviction in my soul

Oh yes I am wise
But it's wisdom born from the chain
Yes, I've paid the price
But look how much I gained
I don't have to do anything
I have slaves.(slaves)
I have a FC.(FC)
I am Free woman of Gor

I am Free woman here on Gor
Just too many to ignore,
For I outnumber slaves 100 to 4
O'h, I understand it's Man with the power
As I kneel down in Tower
However I am Free Woman of Gor

So sing along ladies!

Oh yes I am wise
But it's wisdom born from the chain
Yes, I've paid the price
But look how much I gained
I don't have to do anything
I have slaves.(slaves)
I have a FC.(FC)
I am Free woman of Gor

I am Free
I am haughty
I am bold
I am woman


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